The Torah tell us twice about all of the details of the Mishkan's (Tabernacle's) construction. After telling us in great detail how to build it, it then recounts for us -- and once again in great detail -- how it was indeed constructed according to the specs.
Why the seemingly superfluous repetition of information? Wouldn't it have been enough to simply conclude with "...and the Children of Israel built the Mishkan exactly as G-d instructed them?"
One answer is that through this retelling of the people's actions, G-d is expressing great pride in them, pride in the fact that they loyally fulfilled their part of the bargain, acting as worthy partners to G-d in bringing to fruition the vision He has for this world.
This idea is still very much true for us today, as we are still partners with the Al-mighty. He needs us to build a moral and just society according to His vision, and we need Him to bless our efforts and to infuse our actions with holiness.