This week's Torah portion recounts how the leaders of the twelve tribes of Israel brought special offerings to celebrate the inauguration of the Mishkan (the tabernacle in the desert).
Although the offerings they brought were identical, surprisingly, the Torah recounts for us – in seemingly avoidable repetition – the exact gifts each of them brought.
Ramban (aka, Nachmanides), one of the great commentators on the Torah, offers two explanations:
1) G-d listed each tribe’s gifts individually to afford each of them the recognition they deserved.
2) In truth, this wasn’t really repetition at all. For while it is true that externally the gifts appeared very much the same, internally, however, the intention and meaning behind each gift was completely unique and reflected that tribe’s unique service of G-d.
While we unite as one people in serving G-d through Torah study, Mitzvot and prayer, let us not forget that when we put our own personal inner feeling and intention into that activity, it transforms that one voice into a beautiful chorus.