This Shabbat, the Shabbat before Passover is known as "The Great Shabbat" ("Shabbat Hagadol"). The reason for this is because several miracles happened on this Shabbat at the time of the exodus from Egypt.
When the Egyptian firstborn heard that the coming plague was going to kill all Egyptian firstborn, they went to Pharaoh with the demand that he free the Jews. When they were refused they went to battle against Pharaoh and his army.
This internal fighting within the very ranks of the Egyptians was considered a great miracle, because instead of oppressing the Jews and preventing them from leaving slavery, the cruel oppressors were suddenly busy fighting each other.
"As in the days of your exodus from the land of Egypt, I will show you wonders" (Micha 7:15). Our sages explain that while the miracles that happened when the Jews went out of Egypt were manifold and great, they will pale in comparison to the ones that will happen during the future and final redemption from exile.
May we merit to see those miracles speedily in our days.