What a blessing it has been to be able to inaugurate the use of our new center right at the start of this new year of 5776.
This year happens to be the first year of the seven-year Shmitah cycle, known as the year of "Hakhel" (Gathering). Back in the Temple times, all of Israel, men, women and children, would gather at the Temple in the year of Hakhel on the holiday of Sukkot, to hear a special Torah reading led by the King, to be re-inspired with a renewed vigor and dedication in their service of G-d, and to share their inspiration with others.
How appropriate it is that our new center, the Chabad Bay Area - Center for Jewish Life and Learning, has gotten off to its great start, right at Rosh Hashana, at the beginning of the Year of Hakhel - the Year of Gathering!
And what a beautiful Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur it was, with delicious meals, inspiring services and a wonderful, warm camaraderie.
We invite you to join us for our upcoming exciting programming, starting with our special, one-of-a-kind Simchat Torah Celebration!