
Rabbi's Blog

Reflections on a year since Harvey

This week is one year since Hurricane Harvey. The storm had a severe impact on many people’s lives in our community. Now, one year later, there are still many amongst us who are dealing with the aftermath and working hard to get life completely back to normal.

At the same time, the flood waters revealed an incredible well of kindness as Texans from all backgrounds and walks of life went all out to help one another. We are grateful for the support that the local Jewish community gave, and continued to give, both on a grassroots level as well as through organizations such as the Jewish Federation, Jewish Family Services, Chabad Centers throughout the Houston area and beyond, synagogues and many others.

As we approach the new year, it is our fervent hope that anyone in need of healing be granted complete healing and that this coming year bring only good health, peace, prosperity and revealed blessing to one and all.

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