
Rabbi's Blog

Message to our community on events in Israel

All of us are shocked and horrified by the events that have taken place in Israel.

Israel is facing a war cast upon it by a most savage enemy, who commits barbaric atrocities against men, women and children in Israel, the likes of which we have not seen since the second world war. 

Every one of us is outraged. Anyone who cares about the most basic morality, the most elementary concepts of right and wrong, is outraged.

I'd like to share with you a few points:

First, we must understand what we are seeing. 

We are witnessing hatred of Jews that is not very different than the hatred that has existed for thousands of years. It has come in different forms, and with different excuses, but it is essentially the same.

Yet, despite the thousands of years of hate, the Jewish people are here. And that, as many have pointed out, is one of the greatest miracles of all. A testament, in the darkness, that there's a higher power. And a reminder, that ultimately, goodness will win and righteousness will reign.

We must not allow the evil terrorists to fill us with fear, for that is exactly what they want. Instead, all good people everywhere must strengthen their resolve to defeat this evil scourge. At the same time, we must strengthen our confidence and trust in the One Above, for ultimately all is in His hands. And it is with that Divine blessing that we will succeed, that Israel and the side of goodness and righteousness will succeed. 

We must speak the truth and speak up, loudly and publicly. Although the atrocities are simply acts of hate and have nothing to do with land, but the claim is made as if the attackers of the Jews have a rightful claim, and it misleads many. The facts are true and undeniable. The Land of Israel is the eternal homeland of Am Yisrael, the Jewish nation. There is no nation on earth that has a more reliable claim to its land, as the Jewish people have. Our deed of ownership is literally in the Bible, the Torah. From every perspective: whether historic, legal, spiritual and moral, the fact that the Land of Israel belongs to the Jewish nation and to them alone, is irrefutable. We must internalize this truth, understand it and share it, and when we do, it will also be respected by the nations of the world.

As Jews we know that the physical and spiritual are deeply connected. 

When our people are attacked, we must come together, both inside and out. First of all, by increasing in Jewish unity and Ahavat Yisrael – loving our fellow Jew – for our biggest strength and blessing comes through unity. Second by awakening the Jewish soul within, invigorating our bond with G-d, our Creator and Protector, whose Providence is with us at every moment, by enhancing, if even just modestly, in our Torah and Mitzvot.

While the security forces answer the highest calling, risking their lives to protect the innocent, we must do our part to back them up, not only with all the material support that we can possibly send their way, but also, and especially, in the spiritual area where each one of us, no matter where we are in the world, can make a difference. 

When we pray or dedicate a good deed to our brothers and sisters in Israel, we create a spiritual defense shield for them that will help them through difficult and dangerous times.

See our website for links to send support to those who need it most and links to online mitzvah campaigns.

With prayers for complete victory and for the speedy arrival of the ultimate and complete redemption.

Rabbi Yitzchok Schmukler
Director, Chabad of the Bay Area

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