
The Jewish Awakening

Thursday, 2 November, 2023 - 6:34 pm

Over the last few weeks we are seeing a tremendous awakening of the Jewish soul, all over the world. This, along with a natural surge in Jewish solidarity and unity, is turning out to be one of the most positive result of the heartrending events that have taken place in Israel.

Each and every one us contributes and is part of this. 

I want to encourage everyone to continue in this direction. The greatest answer to the vicious attacks is to unleash the Yiddishe Neshama (Jewish Soul) within. To unleash that desire, passion, drive, to uncover and embrace all things Jewish. The Torah, Mitzvot, connection with the Al-mighty, to take the side of goodness and G-dliness and ultimately to transform the world for the good. 

Together, we will overcome the darkness and ultimately reveal the greatest goodness and light the world has ever known.

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